Support Center

A guide to usage assistance and more

How do I complete activation or registration?

1. Downlload and Place the order
You can download the software anywhere you like: product page, download page, or on the top of the guide page. It's virus-free.
Or you can go to our store to place the order directly: 

2. Install
Find the software installation package file you've saved on your computer, just double click the installation exe file to install it step by step.

3. Register
After launching the software, you'll be asked to register the software. If you have purchased the license, then you can get the registered license and email address in your email. 
If you haven't paid for the software yet, please click the "Buy now" button on the program to pay for it. After then, type in the licensed email and registration code, click "Register" to unlock the full version. 

The second step is to double check the spelling of the licensed e-mail address or registration code, as both are case sensitive. It is recommended to copy the  registration code directly from the registration e-mail and then paste them into the corresponding text boxes in the registration window.

If this does not solve your issue, you can contact us for assistance. To allow us to isolate the issue quicker we would request that you include a screenshot of the registration window with the e-mail and registration filled in for further troubleshooting.