Support Center

A guide to usage assistance and more

Why was the website price and what I paid different?

As the developer of the software, we only charge the price that is stated on our website. There are some specific situations that may cause you to have an additional charge added.

1)  Download Protection Service which is offered by MyCommerce, in case customers forget or lose the registration when they need to re-install the program.

2)  Purchasing online may still charge tax, this depends on your local law, please fill out an on-line order to check if the tax applies to your region.

You may want to place a tax exempt order. Please call following phone number to do so, before calling we would recommend that you fax in your tax exempt information to:  1-800-442-3172 or  952-646-5604.  Once you have done so please call: 877-353-7297 or 952-646-5331 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

If you have any more concerns, contact us for more information and assistance.