Fast convert DXF to SVG free online

Drag & drop DWG/DWF/DXF files


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  • File size up to 10 MB
  • Conversion of 8 files each time
  • Color output option only
Desktop version is more accurate and faster, and with more conversion options. Download Free Trial

How to convert DXF to SVG for free online?

  1. Open DXF to SVG free online conversion page
  2. Choose the dwg file that you want to convert
  3. Wait a few minutes to process the conversion
  4. Download the converted SVG files
AutoDWG DXF to SVG Converter, Faster than ever!
AutoDWG DXF to SVG Converter batch converts DWG, DXF and DWF to SVG without AutoCAD. The version of AutoCAD 2024~R14 is supported.
  • Single & Batch File Conversion
  • Model & Paper Space Support
  • Customizable Font & XREF Paths
  • Adjustable SVG Size
  • Versatile Output Color Options
  • Layer Preservation new function
  • Flexible SHX Font Handling new function
  • Configurable Line Weight
  • Output as Compressed SVGZ
  • Developer-Friendly SDK Available



What is SVG?

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. It's an XML-based vector image format that's widely used for two-dimensional graphics on the web. SVG files describe images as a series of text instructions, allowing them to be scalable, meaning they can be resized without losing image quality.

SVG is an excellent choice when you need to display graphics on the web that can scale and adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions. It's an open standard maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), making it a reliable and widely adopted format for web graphics.


How to open a svg file?

Here are some common methods for opening SVG files:

  1. Web Browsers:
    Most modern web browsers can display SVG files directly.
  2. Graphics Editing Software:
    Programs like Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, Inkscape (a free and open-source option),
  3. Office Suites:
    Some office suites, such as Microsoft Office and LibreOffice, can import and display SVG files.
  4. Image Viewers:
    You can use image viewer applications like IrfanView (for Windows) or Preview (for macOS) to open and view SVG files.
  5. Online SVG Viewers:
    There are online SVG viewers that allow you to upload and view SVG files in your web browser without the need for software installation. Some popular options include SVG Viewer by SVG.js and SVG Viewer by Iconfinder.
    For simply viewing SVG files, web browsers or image viewers are usually sufficient. If you need to make changes to the file, consider using a dedicated vector graphics editor.


What are the differences between svg and png?

SVG is the go-to choice for graphics that need to be scaled without loss of quality, while PNG is preferred for raster images, photographs, and images with transparency. The choice between SVG and PNG depends on the specific requirements of your project.


Can I convert dxf to svg for free?

Yes, you can use this online conversion service to convert the dxf files to svg, it is free.


Should I purchase desktop version, or stay with Free online converter?

The decision between a desktop version and a free online converter depends on your specific needs and preferences. The desktop version offers a wide array of advanced features, including color options and batch processing. On the other hand, the free online converter is highly convenient and completely free, although it comes with limitations, such as the number of files you can process each day.


Do you offer SDK solution for DXF to SVG converter?

Yes,we provide the DWG2SVGX SDK solution, which allows you to leverage the SDK to develop your own custom programs.